Vallari Agrawal

What's this in JavaScript?


What it’s not:

1. Reference to Itself

One misconception is that this refers to the function itself.

function foo(n) {
	this.count1 += 1;
	foo.count2 += 1;

foo.count1 = 0;
foo.count2 = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// Output
// 0 1 2 3 4

// Count of how many times foo() was called
console.log(foo.count1); // 0
console.log(foo.count2); // 5

Notice how count1 does not increment and was still 0 as a result, while count2 incremented by 1 in each call and gave 5 as result. foo.count1 = 0 did add a new property to the function object but count1 does not get incremented because this in this.count1 += 1 does not point to the function object.

Question: then what was I incrementing with this.count1 += 1? It’s actually a global variable count1 which currently has NaN value.

2. Its Scope

Another misconception is that this refers to functions scope.

function foo(){
	var a = 2;; 
function bar() {
foo(); // ReferenceError: a is not defined

This code is an attempt to create a bridge between lexical scopes of foo and bar, so bar gets access to variable a. No such bridge is possible. You cannot use this to look something in lexical scope.

What is this?

this keyword refers to an object, that object which is executing the current bit of javascript code.

When a function is invoked an activation record, or execution context, is created. This record keeps the information of where the function was called from (the call stack), how the function was invoked, parameters passed, etc. One of the properties of this record is the this reference, which will be used for duration of that function’s execution.

The environment (or scope) in which the line is being executed is known as the execution context.

Understanding this

Two important things to remember are:

The call-site we care about is in the function before the currently executing function, in call-stack (the stack of functions that has been called to get us to the current moment in execution). To get the real call-site, use a debugger (and set a breakpoint on the function) to get the call-stack, the second item from the top will be the call-site.


It follows one of these rule (based on the call-site):

1. Default Binding

When no other rules are applicable, then this rule applies.

function foo() {

var a = 2;
foo(); //2

// foo() is same as:
//  -- for node
//  -- for browsers

Variables in the global scope are same as global-object properties (see last few comments of the code above). this.a resolves to global variable a because execution context by default is global object.

How do we know default binding applies here? We look at the foo() call-site to see how it is called. Its a plain, undecorated function reference, so none of the other rules will apply.

If the function foo is running in strict mode, the global object is not eligible for default binding. It will give an error of ‘this' is 'undefined'. If the function’s call-site is running in strict mode, then it will run without error.

2. Implicit Binding

Call-site has a context object.

function foo() {
var obj = {
	a: 2,
	foo: foo
}; // 2

Regardless of whether foo() is initially declared on foo or added it as a reference later, it isn’t owned by obj object. But when the call-site uses obj context to reference it, then we can say it is “owned” by obj. The implicit binding says that when there is a context object then that object becomes this object or execution context object for that method. obj.a is same as this.a.

Only the top/last level of an object property reference chains matters to call-site:

function foo() {
obj1 = {
	a: 42,
	foo: foo
obj2 = {
	a: 2,
	obj2: obj2
};; // 42

Implicitly lost

function foo() {
var obj = {
	a: 2,
	foo: foo
var bar =;
var a = "oops, global";
bar(); // "oops, global"

Even though bar is reference to []( , in fact it’s really a reference to foo itself. Also, the call-site matters and it doesn’t have a context object so default binding applies.

function foo() {
function doFoo(fn) {

ar obj = {
	a: 2,
	foo: foo
var a = "oops, global";
doFoo(; // "oops, global"
setTimeout(, 1000); // "oops, global"

Parameters passing is just an implicit assignment, so the end result is same as the previous snippet. The passed parameter fn refer to foo rather than

It’s common that our function callbacks lose their this binding.

3. Explicit Binding

If we use call and apply method with calling function, both of those methods take as their first parameter as execution context. That is this binding.

function foo() {
var obj = {
	a: 2
}; // 2

Invoking foo with explicit binding by allows us to force its this to be obj. If you pass a simple primitive value (type of string, boolean, number) as this binding, the primitive type is wrapped in it’s object form (new String(..), new Boolean(..), or new Number(..)). This is called “boxing”.

Hard Binding

We can solve the function callback problem in implicit binding by using call() or apply()

function foo() {
var obj = {
	a: 2
var bar = function() {;
bar(); // 2
setTimeout(bar, 1000); // 2

// hard-bound `bar` can't have its this overridden; // 2

ES5 had a built-in utility for hard binding as Function.prototype.bind and it’s used like:

function foo(something) {
	console.log(this.a, something);
	return this.a + something;
var obj = {
	a: 2
var bar = foo.bind(obj);
var b = bar(3); // 2 3
console.log(b); // 5

// built-in `bind` does something like this:
// function bind(fn, o) {
//	return function() {
//		return fn.apply(obj, arguments);
//	}
// }
// bind(foo, obj)

bind(..) returns a new function that is hardcoded to call original function with this context specified.

4. new Binding

In traditional class-oriented languages, “constructors” are special class methods that are instantiated with a new operator. Like something = new someClass(..);.

But there is no connection to class-oriented new with JavaScript’s new. In JS, constructors are normal functions that happen to be called with new operator in front of them.

So, any function, including the built-in functions like Number(..), can be called with a new in front of it and that makes that function call a constructor call.

When a function is invoked with new (a construction call), following things happen:

function foo(a) {
	this.a = a;
var bar = new foo(2);

By calling foo() with new in front of it, we constructed a new object and set that object as this for the call of foo(). This is how a function’s call this can be bound.

Rules in order

Let’s see what order to apply these rules in.

new > explicit binding > implicit binding > default binding

So look at the call-site and ask:

  1. Called with new? Use the newly constructed object.
  2. Called with call or apply (or bind)? Use the specified object.
  3. Called with a context object owning the call? Use that context object.
  4. Default: undefined in strict mode, global object otherwise.

Binding Exceptions

There are some exceptions to these rules:

Ignored this

If you pass null or undefined as this binding parameter to call, apply, or bind, then those values are ignored and default binding rule applies.

function foo() {
var a = 2;; // 2

Why would we pass null for this binding? In ES5, to spread array of values as parameters in a function call we use apply(..) or to curry parameters bind(..) is helpful. Example: foo.apply(null, [2, 3]). It sends [2, 3] as parameters to foo. In the function foo, we might not care about this so we pass null. But there might a danger in using null when we don’t care about this binding like for a third-party library function that you don’t control might use a this reference and accidently call the global object because of default binding. So, it can cause variety of bugs that would be very difficult to diagnose.

A safer way is to make an object, a completely empty nondelegated object, and we pass this object for ignored this binding we don’t care about to ensure any unexpected usage of this will be restricted to this empty object. The easiest way to set it up as totally empty is Object.create(null) which is similar to { }, but without delegation to Object.prototype so it’s more empty than just { }.

function foo() {
    console.log(a, b);
var empty = Object.create(null);

// spreading out array as parameters
foo.apply(empty, [2, 3]); // 2 3

// currying with bind(..)
var bar = foo.bind(empty, 2);
bar(3); // 2 3 


Another thing to be aware of is that you can create “indirect references” to functions, and then when that function reference is invoked and the default binding rule applies.

function foo() {
var a = 2;
var o = { a: 3, foo: foo};
var p = { a: 4 };; //3
( =; //2

The result value of expression = is a reference to just underlying function object, so the effective call-site is just foo(), not or Hence, as per the rules default binding applies.

Arrow functions

ES6 introduced arrow functions, that uses so-called “fat-arrow” operators, =>. Instead of using the four standard this rules, it adopts this binding from enclosing scope.

function foo() {
    return (a) => {

var obj1 = { a: 2 };
var obj2 = { a: 3 };

var bar =;
// hard-binding the arrow function returned; // 2, not 3!

When a fat arrow is used, it doesn’t create a new value for this. this keeps on referring to the same object it’s referring to outside of the function.

Instead of binding this, you can choose to use lexical scope by defining var self = this inside the foo function and inside the arrow function using self.a instead of this.a. This avoids using bind(..).

Arrow functions are essentially disabling the traditional this mechanism to favor lexical scoping. So, it adviable to choose to either use lexical scope or this-style machanisms, inside same function, and not use both as it makes it harder to maintain code.


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